Make knitting has been a family affair for more than 60 years. Madiva is a family business founded in 1953 in Valdengo, close to Biella, the famous capital of wool. Since its origins Madiva is specialized in the high quality Italian underwear realization.
In the last 10 years it has been focusing on retail distribution in Italy and abroad, creating another brand: ARTIMAGLIA.
We are a well-rounded Made in Italy Company, supported by ethical and moral reasons. We produce constant quality knitwear, guaranteed by the exclusive use of first choice fibers; we do it here, in our factory. To be from Biella means to keep, in every circumstance, the love for the well done job and to be able to enjoy a ‘know how’ matured over the years and continuously developed. We want to work in Biella by virtue of our link with the territory: we want to keep the traditions alive. Having a local production allows us to control the products quality and ensuring reliability and satisfaction to our customer.
We want to keep a strong identity, so change and innovation are vital, we have completely renewed our brand appearance without abandoning the consistency that has characterized us for more than 60 years.
COMPANY NAME: Maglierie di Valdengo Madiva sas ADDRESS: Via Quintino Sella 132 E-SHOP: MAIN RETAIL MARKETS: Italia Francia Belgio ACTUAL NUMBER OF RETAIL ACCOUNTS: 900